William Yeoman on The Mind’s Own Place

Yeoman2 on TMOP

Here, on the eve of my new novel’s official release date, is an appreciative interview-based article on The Mind’s Own Place by William Yeoman, literary editor of The West Australian.

Click on the image to enlarge it, or sample his commentary from the following excerpts.

Each [of the main characters] is developed from a real historical figure. But Reid has cleverly extrapolated from their circumstances and personalities to create five compelling fictional characters that leap off the page with all the veracity of their historical counterparts.

The result is a story that follows the intertwined fates of these conflicted souls against a backdrop of great societal upheaval in both the Old and the New World.

It is historical detective fiction and social commentary rolled into one…

The texture…shimmers with discriminating  linguistic and historical detailing.

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